Expert Endometriosis Specialist in Vermont

Endometriosis Specialist in Vermont

Hey there! I’m Dr. Jessica Whelan of St Joseph FertilityCare™ Center in St Albans, Vermont. I am a naturopathic doctor and Creighton Model medical consultant offering comprehensive care for endometriosis. My approach is all about holistic management, using natural interventions to tackle hormonal imbalances, autoimmune conditions, fertility issues, and mental health. As a trusted naturopathic doctor and endometriosis specialist in Vermont, my goal is to educate and empower you, helping you reconnect with your body’s innate intelligence and healing power.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where cells resembling the uterine lining grow outside the uterus, most often in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic structures. These cells bleed and shed like the endometrial layer during menstrual cycles, leading to several troublesome symptoms:

Painful, Debilitating Periods

Endometriosis is notorious for causing severe pain, especially in the form of dysmenorrhea. This pain can be so intense that it disrupts your daily life, preventing you from going to work or school, attending social functions, or engaging in normal activities. The pain often begins several days before menstruation and can last for several days afterward.

Pain That Doesn’t Respond to OTC Pain Relievers

Endometriosis also causes non-cyclical pelvic pain that persists between menstrual episodes. This includes ovulatory pain, pain during defecation or urination, lower back pain, and dyspareunia (pain during or after sexual intercourse).

Sometimes Asymptomatic

Some women with endometriosis experience no pain and are unaware of their condition until they have difficulty conceiving. When patients are charting with the Creighton Model FertilityCare™.  System, we are able to identify risk factors like limited cervical mucus, that may be a sign of endometriosis.


As a trusted naturopathic doctor and endometriosis specialist in Vermont, I take a whole-body approach to treatment. My integrative protocols are designed to manage (and even reverse) your symptoms effectively, support your fertility, and prevent further hormonal imbalances, all while empowering you to take charge of your health.

Get Your Life Back – Periods That Are Easier and Less Painful

One of my main goals is to find lasting remedies for disabling menstrual pain and lifelong hormonal issues. Nutritional therapy, supplements, low-dose naltrexone, gut healing, liver detoxification, stress management, and cooperative bio-identical hormone therapy can all help manage inflammation and estrogen levels, reducing the severity of your symptoms.

Improved Immune System Function

Endometriosis often has an autoimmune component. When the body develops autoimmune diseases, it leads to inflammation and pain. Specific vitamins, minerals, and herbs can help regulate your immune system, easing symptoms. Low-dose naltrexone is a novel treatment that modulates the immune system and can reverse endometriosis. This protocol is used by some naturopathic doctors and also has extensive research through the St Paul VI Institute.


Endometriosis can’t be cured with painkillers and artificial hormones (like the birth control pill or IUD) that merely mask symptoms. Instead, I use a holistic and complementary approach to manage the condition. By diagnosing the specific root causes for each patient, I then develop tailored treatment plans. Many patients who follow my protocols experience significant symptom reduction and overall health improvements.

Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Eliminating inflammatory foods and adjusting your diet are key components of treatment. We will work together to create customized diet plans to help you identify which foods to eat and avoid to prevent triggering endometriosis symptoms.

Supporting the Immune System

Research shows that many endometriosis patients have inadequate immune responses, which allow lesion growth and inflammation. As your go-to endometriosis specialist in Vermont, I prescribe specific supplements, lifestyle changes, and treatments to restore and enhance your immune function.

Balancing Hormones

Achieving the right levels of estrogen and progesterone is crucial for reducing symptoms. Typically, I recommend bio-identical hormones used cooperatively with your cycle to help balance hormonal fluctuations and decrease cell production.

Supplements, Herbs, Lifestyle, Detox, Liver Detox, Gut Healing

I work with clients facing infertility and combine various techniques to enhance their chances of conceiving. This includes using nutraceuticals, detox protocols, lifestyle coaching, and more. Gastrointestinal issues and liver dysfunction are common in endometriosis patients. By eliminating endocrine disruptors and optimizing nutrient absorption, I can help you regulate hormonal balance and reduce inflammation.

Ready to Reclaim Your Health?

If you’re dealing with endometriosis and looking for a natural, holistic approach to manage your condition, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you regain control over your health. Get in touch today to start your journey towards a pain-free, healthier life with the support of a trusted endometriosis specialist in Vermont.

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